Hello Everyone! Kurtseaberg.com will be participating in a group show called “Saving Mother Earth” at Plymouth Congregational Church in Minneapolis ! The show will be on view until October 23rd. Please stop by and check out this very important and inspiring show! Check out https://www.plymouth.org/ For more details.
This fall we are pleased to show Saving Mother Earth, a group exhibition showcasing artists from varied backgrounds, using diverse materials to express their concerns, champion activism and cherish the beauty and abundance of our earth. Works by Coreena Affleck, Janet Essley, Karl Lorenz, Mike Marks, Bonnie Ploger and Kurt Seaburg will be on view in our Conn Gallery and in Jones Commons Sept. 8 through Oct. 23 (open all week during building hours, 8:30 a.m. till 8 p.m.).